Friday, November 3, 2023

QOTD: "They're Going To Go Out Of Business"


Conservative attorney George Conway, on MSNBC today, looking at the business fraud trial brought by New York State Attorney General Letitia James against the Trump Crime Family:

"They probably will get a stay pending appeal, but you have to post a large bond. It may take a couple of years for this to pan out in the appellate courts, but there's already been an interim receiver appointed. They basically can't move assets around, can't hide them — they're stuck.

That's one of the reasons, I think, why he is so mad.: Donald is upset and showing up at the trial every day. Basically, he's in financial handcuffs already. Who is going to loan money to these people? They're going to go out of business."  (our emphasis)

Conway, a long-time antagonist of the Malignant Loser and a master of the rapier retort, said earlier this week that the Malignant Loser will have to "liquidate everything" after the judge rules on damages in a few weeks. 

(photo montage: NY Post)

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