Thursday, November 2, 2023

QOTD -- Willing To Be Manipulated


"... As the Government argued to the Court yesterday, the trial date in the District of Columbia case should not be a determinative factor in the Court’s decision whether to modify the dates in this matter.  Defendant Trump’s actions in the hours following the hearing in this case illustrate the point and confirm his overriding interest in delaying both trials at any cost.  This Court should [not] allow itself to be manipulated in this fashion."  -- excerpt of a brief filed by Jay Bratt, Counselor to Special Counsel Jack Smith in Malignant Loser Judge Aileen Cannon's court this morning.  Cannon is a willful participant in the Malignant Loser's attempts to evade justice by delaying his trial in the classified documents case until after the 2024 election (presuming he's going to pardon himself should he get back in power).  

We're hoping, after Cannon inevitably sides with the Malignant Loser's attorneys once again, that the Government file a motion seeking to remove her biased ass from the case. 


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