Monday, November 6, 2023

The Malignant Loser "More Detached From Reality"

Jonathan Karl, on ABC, noting the lack of attention being paid to the Malignant Loser's mental decline and detachment from reality: 

"Trump has been in the news over the last year or so based on these criminal cases — the civil case in New York — but people have not been paying attention to what Trump has become.

Trump, since he left the White House, and this is really the theme of my book, has become more detached from reality than he ever was even in the White House. If you think of where we were in January of 2021, that's the starting point for where a Trump presidency would be next time around. So I think he's had largely, believe it or not, a free ride. Again, the criminal cases we know about, but what he's thinking, what he's doing, he had a speech just the other day in Texas where he referred to the people that are in prison because they attacked the U.S. Capitol and beat up police officers, he called them not prisoners but hostages.

Trump has become also increasingly confused about things. He sometimes he thinks that he lost to [Barack] Obama in the last election. He confuses basic facts and says some rather strange things, but there isn't much attention paid. As we get closer to these primaries, we'll see where not just Trump is based on these criminal cases, but where he is now as a human being." (our emphasis)

Spoiler alert. He'll be even more insane and reckless, especially since his fraudulent business will be hemorrhaging money in terms of fines and restrictions. Georgia's racketeering and election fraud case against him will be proceeding, and the Federal election fraud and interference case will remind everyone of his efforts to violently overturn a fair election and install himself as autocrat. The trouble, our broken media will continue to avoid noticing it, while commenting on President Biden's age.



seafury said...

"He isn't deranged. He is filled with the spirit of the Lord and every day we love him more. Every day in every way." my sister in law

Mart said...

Bless her heart.