Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Malignant Loser Undercuts His Defense


While attention was drawn to the Malignant Loser's combative performance before Judge Arthur Engoron in the business fraud trial in New York, some attorneys noticed a key admission from him that will make it hard to win on appeal. First, law professor Joyce Vance on MSNBC on the Malignant Loser's day in court, and how his big, ignorant mouth is doing him in:

"If there was a jury in the box, the judge would have been forced to restrict Trump's answers; he would have directed Trump as a witness to answer the question. He would have been moving to strike any of these extraneous comments Trump continued to make which weren't admissible and which were prejudicial.

If you are Trump's lawyers, sitting at the counsel table, you are watching your only hope of surviving this case — which is the appeal — you're watching it fade away. The Trump Organization is liable. In essence, the Trump Organization as a business will be shuttered. They will remove its certificate to operate.

On appeal, they would have argued, Trump's lawyers, that that decision by the judge was misplaced; he shouldn't have found fraud as a matter of law. Yesterday, because the judge let Donald Trump ramble, Donald Trump conceded that point. That means that this decision should survive appeal, and the Trump Organization, as Trump has operated it for all these years is at an end." (our emphasis)

By letting Trump talk and talk, the Judge let him confirm his central role in the long-term fraud perpetrated by his organization. One admission in particular seemed to seal his fate, as law professor Andrew Weissman notes:

In other words, the Malignant Loser's financial statements were not intended to show an accurate accounting of his assets to lenders; he admitted that they were intended to "induce banks to lend money," and far more than they would have if the statements had been honest. Big credit to Judge Engoron in giving Trump enough rope to hang himself.



seafury said...

Still don't think it will matter one bit. Appeals only have to survive until a year from

W. Hackwhacker said...

Seafury -- this is a state court, not federal; he can't make a civil fraud conviction go away.

Cleora Borealis said...

Lawrence O'Donnell pointed out another giant trap the prosecutor (and the judge) lulled Tump into. When asked who at the Trump Org. was responsible for ensuring the accuracy of financial documents, that loser replied "we all were." Thank you , Mr. Trump, that should just about wrap up how much the penalties will amount to!

seafury said...

By this time next the president Trump protection act will have already been enacted. In order to
protect any president named Trump the law will be changed.