Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The State Of New York Rests Its Case

The State of New York rested its case against the Trump Crime Family after weeks of testimony corroborating Judge Arthur Engoron's finding that fraud was committed by them and members of their organization in inflating assets to obtain better loan rates. Trump's lusted-after daughter Ivanka took the witness stand largely to say frequently that she couldn't remember when asked about her involvement in the family's business dealings. From CNN's reporting:

"Ivanka Trump was questioned at length by Louis Solomon, a lawyer with the attorney general’s office, about the financing of loans for the Doral Golf Resort & Spa in Florida through Deutsche Bank.

The loans are a key part of the case because they required Donald Trump to submit annual financial statements – and the attorney general alleges those statements were falsified to inflate Trump’s net worth and obtain better loan rates. [snip]

The final agreement for the Deutsche Bank loan required Donald Trump, as the guarantor, to maintain a minimum net worth of $2.5 billion.

One earlier draft of the loan terms proposed by the bank required Trump maintain a $3 billion net worth. Ivanka Trump proposed a change to lower the net worth requirement to $2 billion, in an email Solomon showed in court."

Her "I have no knowledge" routine continued during the day:

"Ivanka Trump said she had no knowledge about why a penthouse apartment she leased from her father’s Trump Park Avenue building was valued on Donald Trump’s financial statement at more than $12 million more than what she was able to purchase it for.

Ivanka Trump had a purchase option on the apartment for $8.5 million, but the value on Trump’s financial statement was $20.8 million, according to the attorney general’s civil complaint. [snip]

Her testimony on the financial statements mirrored her brothers, who also both said they were unaware of the work that was done on Donald Trump’s statement of financial condition, even though they submitted information that was used for preparing the statements." 

Someone who claims to have been clueless about the family's financial statements after personally negotiating loans from banks won't fool Judge Engoron. Luckily for her financial future, she hooked on to a multi-millionaire real estate heir who has a pipeline to corrupt Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin "Bone Saw" Salman, so the fate of daddy's big business scam is less important to her than to her needy brothers.

1 comment:

seafury said...

There you go again, Don't you find it just a little bit galling that the crime state of NY had to resort to bullying a working mom from FL, tearing her away from her children in the middle of school week? But it all backfired, she turned in a master class of how to turn the tables on the
dolts from the AG's office. I guess there is something to the power of heredity.......standby I have to re-calibrate the sarcasm meter.