Friday, November 24, 2023

Trump's Unchristian View of Evangelicals


Author and writer for The Atlantic Tim Alberta has a book coming out in December, "The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism."  The Guardian had an advance look at the book, which disclosed the Malignant Loser's private view of evangelicals who didn't treat him like the Golden Calf after his infamous "Two Corinthians" gaffe:

"As candidates jockeyed for support from evangelicals, a powerful bloc in any Republican election, Trump was asked to name his favourite Bible verse.

Attempting to follow the advice of Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, the thrice-married, not noticeably church-going New York billionaire and reality TV star introduced it as “Two Corinthians”, rather than “Second Corinthians”, as would have been correct.

The laughter and ridicule were embarrassing enough for Trump,” Alberta writes. “But the news of Perkins endorsing Ted Cruz, just a few days later, sent him into a spiral. He began to speculate that there was a conspiracy among powerful evangelicals to deny him the GOP nomination.

In private over the coming years, Trump would use even more colourful language to describe the evangelical community

"When Cruz’s allies began using the ‘Two Corinthians’ line to attack him in the final days before the Iowa caucuses, Trump told one Iowa Republican official, ‘You know, these so-called Christians hanging around with Ted are some real pieces of shit.’”

Alberta adds that “in private over the coming years”, Trump “would use even more colourful language to describe the evangelical community.  (our emphasis)

With their adoration of the Malignant Loser resembling cult worship, the evangelicals who relentlessly excuse his bigotry, violent language, abuse of women, pathological lying, and other decidedly non-Christian behavior won't let this latest news penetrate their empty skulls and withered souls. They've made their bargain with the devil and must stick with it.

(photo: Various snake charmers and grifters surround a pretend-praying Trump. Jahi Chikwendiu, Washington Post via Getty)


1 comment:

  1. Evangelicals need not take it personally. Eventually, #P01135809 gets around to everyone. "You know, these (fill in the blank) are some real pieces of shit!" I've had my turn several times!
