Monday, December 11, 2023

QOTD: "Manipulated By Trump To The Extreme"

From Yale University professor Jason Stanley, author of "How Fascism Works," in an interview with's Chauncey Devega. In this excerpt, Stanley describes the role of our broken media in the Malignant Loser's normalization:

"[The media] have been manipulated by Trump to the extreme. Trump is muddying the waters. For those people who have not been paying attention to politics, it will just seem like two people calling each other names. Biden and Trump are both saying each other is a threat to democracy, which is obviously not true. Trump has been charged with actual crimes. Trump's literally saying, 'I'm going to arrest Joe Biden' and all these other "enemies" because they're not bowing down to him. In the end, for most Americans, it is all going to seem like 'polarization' and 'partisanship' with the two sides fighting. The media has consistently normalized and enabled Trump. The American news media keeps featuring these talking heads and experts and the like who will make the American people feel better about themselves and feel better about the crisis. That is irresponsible."  (our emphasis)

The entire interview has some great insights into the real and present fascistic threat posed by the Malignant Loser, and how his normalization by the media is on track to killing our democracy. An important read for everyone.

(photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)


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