Thursday, December 14, 2023

QOTD: Proud MAGA And Scared MAGA


Yesterday's vote in the MAGA-controlled House to launch a cynical "inquiry" into impeaching President Biden with no evidence of a "high crime or misdemeanor" drew the anger of heroic voting rights attorney Marc Elias on MSNBC yesterday:

"There are no moderate Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives. There are proud MAGA and there are scared MAGA. That's it. Two hundred and twenty-one of them. Every single member of the Republican House, whether they were a proud MAGA or scared MAGA, just voted for a bogus, nonsensical impeachment motion to proceed because they pay fealty to Donald Trump.

And it is a shameful moment in American history. It is a shameful moment for each one of these members. But it is an important moment that every American watching right now should realize that there is nothing other than an authoritarian MAGA movement in the Republican Party. And come next November, those members of Congress, a large number of them are going to lose their seats over this."  (our emphasis)

The whole point of the bogus effort that was demanded by the Malignant Loser is to have a weapon against Biden during this election year, a lame tit-for-tat for the two justifiable impeachments that the Malignant Loser went through because of his own criminality. Far-right MAGA meathead Rep. Troy Nehls (Insurrection - TX) said as much yesterday in explaining what MAGA hacks are hoping to gain from the "inquiry": "All I can say is Donald J. Trump 2024, baby."


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