Friday, December 15, 2023

QOTD -- Worst. Congress. Ever.


Dana Milbank reflects on the "Worst. Congress. Ever." :

A year ago, I assigned myself to the Capitol to cover the new House Republican majority, suspecting that this erratic crowd of lawmakers would provide some lively material.

They did not disappoint. What I could not have known then, however, was that this would turn out to be the most ineffective session of Congress in nearly a century — and quite possibly in all of American history.

The year began with chaos and incompetence. It ended with chaos and incompetence. In between were self-created crises and shocking moments of fratricide — interspersed with more chaos and incompetence.

“This will go down as ... the least productive Congress since the Great Depression,” Rep. Joe Neguse, Democrat of Colorado, observed this week as the Rules Committee marked up plans for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden for imaginary crimes.

Milbank offers voluminous evidence of the incompetence, including the Republicans' enervating battles for the Speakership, the paucity of bills passed, the fight over funding for Ukraine and Israel (now in limbo) and, of course, the phony Biden "retribution impeachment inquiry."  Here's how he concludes his opus: 

Democrat Eric Swalwell (Calif.) congratulated Republicans for their dogged pursuit of the president’s son. “I want to give James Comer some credit,” he told the House, “because after 50,000 pages of depositions and secret hearings and closed hearings, I think if we give him enough time, he is going to prove that Hunter Biden is Joe Biden’s son.”

After the do-nothingest congressional session in U.S. history, that might go down as their most notable achievement.

Worst. Congress. Ever.

BONUS:  Stephen Colbert has a hilarious video companion to Milbank's op/ ed.

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