Friday, December 15, 2023

Russians Joining Ukraine To Fight

While Russian thug and war criminal Vladimir Putin is losing staggering numbers of troops he's sent into the Ukraine war meatgrinder, some Russians are deciding to join the fight on the side of Ukraine. Specifically, ethnic Siberian Russians have formed a battalion to fight Putin's brutal and illegal invasion, as reported by the Associated Press:

"When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ignited into war, back in Moscow, a young Russian who now goes by the name of Karabas was plunged into despair. Shocked by images of what was happening to Ukrainians in Russian-occupied areas, he decided to act — against Russia, his home and country.  [snip]

Today, he is part of the Siberian Battalion, a unit made up of Russians who have joined Ukrainian military ranks to fight against their homeland, hoping someday to help oust Russian President Vladimir Putin. Its members hail mostly from ethnic minorities from Russia’s far east.

'I was disillusioned with my own people,' recounted Karabas, who like other fighters in the battalion spoke to The Associated Press on condition that only his military call sign be used."  (our emphasis)

The Republican Putin caucus is doing what it can to give Putin a win, and America a loss, shifting the strategic balance in imperial Russia's favor. People like Karabas know what a Putin victory in Ukraine would mean to us, Europe and the rest of the world, even if the Putin caucus doesn't care.

(photo: Members of the pro-Ukrainian Russian ethnic Siberian Battalion at a training exercise near Kyiv. Efrem Lukatsky/ Associated Press)


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