Wednesday, January 24, 2024

"He's Very Confused"

The fact is just beginning to dawn on most of our broken media that the Malignant Loser has some mental challenges. It's not a widespread take, because so many of them want to build the Malignant Loser up for a horse race, and being clear about his mental psychosis would spoil the race. They prefer exaggerating his primary victories as yuuuge, when in fact as de facto leader of his party / cult, the Malignant Loser got just 54% of the vote, meaning 46% didn't vote for him in New Hampshire's primary. Examining the Malignant Loser's mental deficiencies -- not to mention the serious legal problems he has with 91 felonies hanging over him -- would undercut the broken media's carefully cultivated narrative that President Biden is too old and befuddled. 

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank was in New Hampshire to witness the Malignant Loser's often confused and troubling performances, and reports:

"I went to Trump’s rally on Saturday night in Manchester, where he didn’t address the Haley-Pelosi mix-up but assured his supporters that he “took a cognitive test” and “I aced it.” [snip]

But I listened carefully to Trump that night — no easy feat because he went on for 100 minutes — and noticed that, even though his text was fed to him through a teleprompter, he told many of the same stories over and over again, repeating some lines almost word for word in the same speech, with no apparent awareness that he had done so.

Unlike so much of what Trump does, his memory lapses aren’t disqualifying — only hypocritical. Trump routinely calls President Biden, 81, “cognitively impaired,” but the 77-year-old Trump seems also to have lost a step. He mangles names and words — a visiting foreign dignitary becomes a “foreign dignity” — and occasionally just talks nonsense.

Many in the news media don’t make much of this; while they focus on Biden’s mental acuity, in Trump’s case they rightly focus more on his authoritarian outbursts and gratuitous racism."  (our emphasis)

As Milbank goes on to point out, there's plenty of dictator talk, encouragement of violence, and blatant racism that his cult eats up, and the press notes, but his confused and wandering mind isn't usually discussed in reports on his stream of consciousness ramblings. 

1 comment:

seafury said...

Just think, we're living in the end times of the United States, in real time. In a Magat's
mind, this time next year America will look like Ukraine. Cities will be look like Baghdad or Beirut, street lights will have bodies hanging from them with cardboard signs that have "LIB" scrawled on them. The really good news is the only 3 networks OAN, Real America News and Christian Broadcasting Network will see their ad revenue go through the roof. See? it's not all bad news. One thing I'll miss is the internet. That'll need to be replaced.....