As we noted last September, Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan (Sedition-SC), host of an annual "Faith and Freedom BBQ," had divorce papers filed by his wife, citing multiple extramarital affairs. Today Duncan, now finally reading the room, has announced he's not running for reelection, perhaps to spend more time with his mistresses:
South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan announced Wednesday that he would not seek reelection, a declaration that comes just a few months after the Republican's estranged wife accused him of infidelity in divorce papers. Duncan, though, did not reference these allegations in sharing the news, instead writing, "At some point in a career, one needs to step aside and allow others to bring fresh ideas and abilities into the fight for Liberty, just as I have." [snip]
Duncan also established himself as a power player back home by hosting his yearly "Faith and Freedom BBQ," an event that always attracted presidential hopefuls looking to make inroads in this important early primary state. The congressman used that gathering to promote his image as "a strong advocate for life and traditional family values."
But his wife of 35 years, Melody Duncan, saw their relationship differently. She filed divorce papers last September accusing the congressman of having multiple affairs, including one with a lobbyist, even as he publicly presented himself as a "dedicated, dutiful husband."
One assignation, she charged, took place just after the congressman's most recent annual barbecue (at which Ron DeSantis was the keynote speaker) when he allegedly went "directly to the home of his paramour." Jeff Duncan responded, "My family is dealing with a difficult and private moment and I'm not going to comment on a deeply personal matter"... (our emphasis)
Duncan's Bible Belt Congressional district is adjacent to that of fellow Republican hypocrite and Freedom Freedumb Caucus member Rep. William Timmons, who's been accused of using public monies to cover up an extramarital affair of his own. Well, when the cult leader is a serial adulterer and sexual assaulter, you have to figure his acolytes feel they have the freedom to follow suit.
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