Thursday, January 4, 2024

Russian Things That Go "Boom," Part Infinity

Russia's much-touted military technology isn't what it's advertised to be. Case in point:

"Ukrainian forces struck an expensive, new Russian counter-battery radar system with rockets on the same day military officials announced its deployment to the battlefield.

The Russian defense ministry and various state media outlets announced on Tuesday that Russian troops in Ukraine had received the 1K148 Yastreb-AV, a $250 million counter-battery radar system designed to detect the trajectory of incoming artillery and determine the point of origin for munitions.

Moscow touted the Yastreb-AV as a modern and highly capable system in its announcements, with state media reporting that it was tested in late 2021 or early 2022. But just hours after the announcement it had been fielded in Ukraine, it was hit hard by the very threat it was there to help defeat." (our emphasis)

That piece of Russian equipment cost them an estimated $250 million. It provided good target practice for the HIMARS systems we provided to Ukraine. Bwahahaha

(photo: Here today, gone tomorrow)