Thursday, January 25, 2024

Trump Lobbying To Kill Border Security Bill


Surprised not surprised, part infinity.

Remember this as the 2024 campaign heats up.  The Malignant Loser has been working the phones, trying to get Republican Senators to kill the bipartisan border deal that's linked with funding for Ukraine and Israel.  The reasons are pure Malignant Loser: he doesn't want to give President Biden or Democrats a victory, but rather wants to continue to use immigration as a political cudgel during the campaign.  It looks like he's got Sen. "Moscow Mitch" McConnell to flip his support for the bipartisan effort with some backdoor threats:

MCCONNELL told a closed meeting of Senate Republicans Wed that the politics of the border has flipped for Rs and cast doubt on linking Ukraine and border. 

“When we started this, the border united us and Ukraine divided us.” 

“The politics on this have changed,” McConnell then told his GOP colleagues. 

 This is ALL about Trump. 

McConnell referred to Trump as “the nominee” and noted the former president wants to run his 2024 campaign centered on immigration. And the GOP leader said, “We don’t want to do anything to undermine him.”

Undermining the Malignant Loser:  hell no!  Undermining immigration reform, aid to Ukraine and Israel, and democracy:  heil yes!

That the chinless coward Mitch McConnell is bending the knee to the Malignant Loser is yet another example of his willingness to undo democracy in order for a short- term partisan gain, i.e., winning the Senate back in 2024.  It was already going to be tough sledding in the Republican- controlled House, with MAGA Mike Johnson already indicating he wanted to wait on border security until after the election. Now, it appears that the transactional, party- before- country Senate careerists led by McConnell won't even let a border security bill get out the door because their meddling cult leader told them to kill it.  This is what a hollow, rotted -out, principle- free party looks like, a mirror image of its cult leader.

What this means for support for Ukraine and Israel remains to be seen.  But this cynical, though completely in character, involvement by the Malignant Loser to scuttle a solution to the very issue he's intent on flogging deserves more attention than it's getting so far.



(Photo: "You'll do as I say!" / Bill Clark, Getty)

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