Wednesday, February 14, 2024

QOTD -- The Party Of Third-World Instability


"... GOP lawmakers scaremonger about the foreign-born, characterizing immigration as an invasion. As Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) dog-whistled last week, 'Import the 3rd world. Become the 3rd world.'

"Alas, the faction working to turn the United States into a developing country is not immigrants but Collins’s own party. It’s Republicans, after all, who have supported the degradation of the rule of law; the return of a would-be dictator; the gutting of public education and health-care systems; the rollback of clean-water standards and other environmental rules; and the relaxation of child labor laws (in lieu of letting immigrants fill open jobs, of course).

"America has historically drawn hard-working immigrants from around the world precisely because its people and economy have more often been shielded from such 'Third World'-like instability, which Republican politicians now invite in..." -- Catherine Rampell, Washington Post, on "The Surge in Immigration Is A $7 Trillion Gift To The Economy."  But, of course, "the border crisis" is something MAGAt Republicans want to run on this November. Good luck with that, given their cult / party's kowtowing to their cult leader in tanking the best chance for a border security bill in decades.  People are already noticing and voting accordingly.

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