As our Quote of the Day noted yesterday, now is not the time for angsting over polls 9 months before the election, but rather to be volunteering / donating/ advocating for the re-election of the Biden-Harris administration. Emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler has a similar message worth repeating, this time focusing on angsting about the Malignant Loser's legal perils, concluding,
... No judicial outcome will ever be sufficient, by itself, to beat Trump. No realistic Democrat should be staking their electoral hopes on one or some guilty verdicts — not because they wouldn’t help, but because you can’t control that.
Every single person reading this has in their power the ability to do something — whether it’s local electoral work, repeating discussions of Trump’s corruption so much that it begins to drown out stories about Hunter Biden, or educating your neighbors about Trump’s central role in rolling back reproductive choice — to help defeat Trump. Every second you spend worrying about Karen Henderson is time you’re not doing whatever it is that will be most useful in defeating Trump.
Stop making yourself impotent by worrying about the court cases. Stop hoping that any court case is going to be the Magical Sparkle Pony that makes this easy. Stop wallowing in provably false conspiracy theories about the January 6 investigation that ignore a bunch of public things the TV lawyers don’t talk about.
This is not going to be easy, I promise you. Find some way to make yourself useful to make it, at least, easier.
To coin a cliche, "Keep Calm and Carry On."
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