Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day

Tenth anniversary of war criminal Putin's invasion of Ukraine / Crimea. Lots of shame to go around. --

MAGA Mike Johnson likes that Russian money. Explains a lot. --

Malignant Loser giving MAGA Mike Johnson his orders.....right under an "Exit" sign. -- 

"Nancy Smash" has always had the Malignant Loser's number. --

What's that Musk-y smell? Loving authoritarians. --

Biden-Harris campaign on a fundraising roll -- 

They didn't want to buy his shitty $400 gold suckerwear sneakers either. --


Long past time to bring this Russian asset to justice in U.S. --

Just a little re-arranging here. -- 




1 comment:

  1. Remember getting an email in 2014 from a Ukrainian associate asking if he could skip visiting a factory as there is heavy shelling in the area. Just hard to wrap your mind around that.
