Friday, February 16, 2024

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


MAGAts' Biden bribe story gets blown up;  crickets from Fox "News" --





"Thank you" note from happy war criminal Putin to House MAGAts to follow -- 





Hitting Trump on walking away from NATO --


Guess the Joe-mentum wasn't there --



MAGAt Republican values, Matt Gaetz edition --


Congrats!  (And Happy Friday!) --




1 comment:

  1. If we had a Corporate Media that didn't help advance Republican lies then how else would they BOTHSIDES everything and engage in Cletus Safari's? The sad truth is the Rightwing Media advances lies and the Corporate Media picks them up and runs with them.

    “We aren't interested in whether or not the accusations against Vice President Biden are accurate or not,” Republican Chuck Grassley May 2023.
