Sunday, February 11, 2024

What's That Musk-y Smell? Gambling On Nevada

Far-right crashing car mogul and would-be master of the universe Elon Musk is upset with Delaware and it's corporate laws. Last month, Delaware chancellor Kathaleen McCormick invalidated the obscenely generous personal compensation deal for the narcissistic Musk for Tesla, which is incorporated in Delaware. The deal would have paid Musk $55.8 billion. After losing the ruling, Musk warned others not to incorporate in Delaware.

The Associated Press reports that the erratic, greedy billionaire has moved his Neuralink company's legal home to Nevada, where presumably he can gouge billions in compensation without fear of being pulled up short. (As an aside, given Musk's shaky track record with Tesla, "X" and SpaceX, would anyone short of desperate and delusional allow a Musk-run entity to implant a chip in their brain?).  AP has more:

"Neuralink, which has its physical headquarters in Fremont, California, became a Nevada company on Thursday, according to state records. Delaware records also list the company’s legal home as Nevada.

The move comes after Musk wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that shareholders of Austin-based Tesla would be asked to consider moving the company’s corporate registration to Texas."

In one way, the move from Delaware to Nevada is symbolic: gambling is a way of life in Nevada, and if you want to gamble with your brain and life, Neuralink is there for you.


1 comment:

Boots Mom said...

I live in Reno !!
DAMMIT, you ELONgated MUSKrat !!!!!