Monday, March 4, 2024

High Times In Trump's White House

In an exclusive report by Noah Schactman and Asawin Suebsaeng in Rolling Stone, drug use by staff in the Malignant Loser's White House was out of control. Disgraced "Dr." and now MAGA Congressman Ronny "Dr. Feelgood" Jackson's medical unit in the White House was a dispensary of methamphetamine / speed and other stimulants, according to the report:

"In January, the Defense Department’s inspector general released a report detailing how the White House Medical Unit during the Trump administration distributed controlled substances with scant oversight and even sloppier record keeping. Investigators repeatedly noted that the unit had ordered thousands and thousands of doses of the stimulant modafinil, which has been used by military pilots for decades to stay alert during long missions. 

The report didn’t say why so many of those pills had been given out. But for many who served in the Trump White House, the investigation highlighted an open secret. According to interviews with four former senior administration officials and others with knowledge of the matter, the stimulant was routinely given to staffers who needed an energy boost after a late night, or just a pick-me-up to handle another day at a uniquely stressful job. As one of the former officials tells Rolling Stone, the White House at that time was 'awash in speed.'"  (our emphasis)

And of course, what goes up must come down:

"The anti-anxiety medication Xanax was also a popular, easy-to-get drug during the Trump years, three sources tell us. Neither Xanax nor its generic, alprazolam, is mentioned in the Pentagon report, which notes that it is not a comprehensive list of the controlled substances ordered during the Trump years. Two people with direct knowledge of the situation recall senior officials getting Xanax from the White House Medical Unit — and sharing it with colleagues." (our emphasis)

Ronny Jackson is infamous not only for generously pushing pills during his shameful time in the Trump White House: he's best remembered for his sycophantic and fantasyland description of the Malignant Loser's health and accusations of co-worker sexual harassment

It's perhaps understandable that working for a pathological liar and mentally ill narcissist like the Malignant Loser would cause his staff to turn to drugs to cope. Here's more from the excellent Rolling Stone report:

"During Trump’s presidency, two sources say, senior staffers would repeatedly down Xanax with alcohol. Such a combination increases the risk of 'serious, life-threatening side effects,' according to the National Library of Medicine. Nevertheless, senior officials would use Xanax and alcohol together to soothe themselves while enduring the sky-high levels of stress that come with working at the highest pressure environment job in America — with the added pleasure of serving the whims of the infamously volatile, intemperate Trump. 

As one former senior administration official puts it: 'You try working for him and not chasing pills with alcohol.'”  (our emphasis)

Explains a lot about his disastrous regime.

(image: Some use pills and alcohol, Very Stable Geniuses use bleach.) 



  1. If the orange menace gets elected this fall wait til you see much drugs I'm gonna use.
