Saturday, March 30, 2024

QOTD -- Protecting The Courts


Conservative former Federal judge J. Michael Luttig on the Malignant Loser's assault on the rule of law and court system, and the failure of the judiciary to stand up to that assault (excerpt):

... It is a regrettable commentary on our times that a lone federal judge, The Honorable Judge Reggie B. Walton ― because no one whose responsibility it is to do so has had the courage and the will ― would finally be left no choice but, himself, to express on national television the profound concerns of the entire Federal and State Judiciaries over Donald Trump’s contemptible attacks on the federal and state courts, the judges of these courts and their families, and the other participants in the judicial process.

It is the responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States in the first instance to protect the federal courts, the federal judges, and all participants in the justice system from the reprehensible spectacle of the former president’s inexcusable, threatening attacks, just as it is the responsibility of the respective State Supreme Courts in the first instance to protect their courts and their state judges from the same.

Ultimately, however, it is the responsibility of the entire nation to protect its courts and judges, its Constitution, its Rule of Law, and America’s Democracy from vicious attack, threat, undermine, and deliberate delegitimization at the hands of anyone so determined.

Comments Luttig alluded to by fellow Republican- appointed Judge Reggie Walton can be seen here.

We may be waiting in vain for the institution of the judiciary to "reform" itself and act in accordance with Luttig's commentary.  We've seen time and again the timidity, the unwillingness to treat the Malignant Loser as any other citizen would be treated, and the downright bending of the law and procedures by certain judges to allow him to evade accountability. 

If we are so fortunate as to escape the apocalypse of another Malignant Loser regime, it must be a priority to reform the judiciary and its rules that never anticipated a completely un- moored, lawless authoritarian from rising to power in our democracy.

BONUSMaybe we could learn something from the Brits.

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