Appearing on Howard Stern's radio program yesterday, President Biden said he was "happy to debate [Trump]", reversing previous statements that he'd have to see how the Malignant Loser / Al Caporn "behaves" before committing to a debate. He should have stuck with that earlier position, one with which we heartily agree. The broken political media has been clamoring for their usual gladiator-style, content-free poo-flings that only generate income for them, and a forum that the Malignant Loser is looking to exploit. "Debate" is the wrong term for what Presidential debates have devolved into, especially in the politics-as-performance era of the bullying, defaming and lying Malignant Loser.
An approach that Biden should have taken would be to commit to a few individual town halls, where he can address voter questions directly without the filter of broken media inquisitors who are looking for their "gotcha" moment. Town halls would still generate traffic for the media, albeit not as much as the bloodsport that the Malignant Loser would bring into viewers homes with a "debate." However, now that he's opened the door, Biden will be hard pressed to walk it back under pressure from those same media outlets. Self-inflicted wound? It may turn out to be that.