After promising that "all hell would break loose" yesterday outside the Manhattan courthouse where he's on trial for election interference, the Malignant Loser / Don Snoreleone / Rip van Stinkle saw a small crowd of his cult gathered in support, and was reportedly upset. As Vanity Fair's Molly Jong-Fast and the New York f-ing Times' Trump savant Maggie Haberman both noted, the crowd was very, very underwhelming. First, Jong-Fast:
"Before the trial started, Trump’s campaign sent out a fundraising email promising that it was '72 hours until all hell breaks loose.' But there was no hell to speak of. Trump supporters didn’t storm the courthouse like they did the Capitol back in January 2021. In fact, the only turnout Trump got was a smattering of his usual toadies, including Andrew Giuliani. We don’t know what the next four days of Trump’s trial will hold. But if he and his supporters are already feeling depleted, imagine how they’ll feel in June." (our emphasis)
"Donald J. Trump was evidently not happy with what he saw out the window of his chauffeured S.U.V. as he rode through Lower Manhattan on Monday morning for the beginning of opening arguments in his first criminal trial.
The scene that confronted him as he approached the dingy courthouse at 100 Centre Street was underwhelming. Across the street, at Collect Pond Park, the designated site for protesters during the trial, only a handful of Trump supporters had gathered, and the number would not grow much throughout the morning.
Mr. Trump has portrayed his legal jeopardy as a threat to America itself, and he has suggested that the country would not put up with it. But the streets around the courthouse on Monday were chaos-free — well-patrolled and relatively quiet. As his motorcade made its way to the courthouse, the few Trump supporters gathered in the park were outnumbered by Trump detractors, who waved signs about his alleged liaison with a porn star." (our emphasis)
This parallels reports that his rallies, few as they are these days, are drawing fewer and fewer of the cult, who may be getting weary of hearing the same grievance rant full of nonsensical digressions and word salads. It's also noteworthy that none of his family are showing up to support him, not that we'd expect Melanoma Melania to sit through a recitation of his humiliation of her. That he only has a couple of dozen diehards (unemployed?) to turn out for his first criminal trial has to make him furious...and worried.
Maybe it's early,but where I live (SE Wisconsin) there aren't a lot of Trump signs or bumper stickers or red hats. In 2020 every other house on the block had a Trump sign. Hopefully it's a trend.