Sunday, April 7, 2024

Take Nelson Mandela's Name Out Of Your Filthy Mouth


Deranged demagogue Malignant Loser has been indicted on scores of felony counts by four Grand Juries comprised of American citizens.  He's used his perch as a former "president" and presumptive nominee of the Christofascist Republican Party/cult to rail against his victims and the judges presiding over his cases, who have issued gag orders in two venues and a bond agreement in a third prohibiting him from intimidating witnesses or co-defendants.  So, as any perfectly insane person would do, the Malignant Loser has compared his indictments to the persecution of Jesus while at the same time comparing himself to Al CaponeCapiche?

Well, he's not done setting himself up as a martyr.  In his pathological victimhood and narcissism, he's taken to his "Truth" Social grift with the unmitigated gall to compare his more- than- justified legal woes to those of the late Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned by the racist apartheid regime in South Africa for 27 years for fighting against institutionalized racial segregation:

"Now, we have Merchan, who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the Law and the Constitution, all at once. It is so bad what he is trying to get away with - How was he even chosen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also! If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the 'clink' for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela - It will be my GREAT HONOR. We have to Save our Country from these Political Operatives masquerading as Prosecutors and Judges, and I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause. We are a Failing Nation, but on November 5th, we will become a Great Nation again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

"A Modern Day Nelson Mandela"!  It's not the first time he's insulted Mandela's memory by comparing himself to the great man.  Nor can it be forgotten that he loathed Mandela.  

Amidst all the insanity and the SHOUTY CAPS, he says he's willing to go to jail -- in fact he would consider it a "GREAT HONOR" -- for violating the various gag orders and attempts to hold him to the rule of law.  It's unlikely, and he knows it, that jail would be the first recourse for violating gag orders.  More likely an escalating schedule of fines would be tried (fines, of course, paid by the rubes contributing to his PACs and the RNC).  But, wouldn't it be a statement that the rule of law applies to everyone, and that the judicial system won't be intimidated or mocked, to have this Modern Day Mandela Mussolini put in a cell awaiting trial?!

BONUS Mandela's ANC Party comments --

South Africa’s ruling African National Congress party said Tuesday that Trump is not fit to comment on Mandela’s accomplishments.

“All freedom-loving people of the world are appalled by these insults, which come from a person who himself is not a model of competent leadership,” said the ANC statement, adding that Trump is the most “divisive, misogynistic and disrespectful person” ever to be president of the United States.

Mandela’s dedication to “peace and a just society” stands in “stark contrast” to Trump’s policies, said the ANC.



  1. Get back to me when you've done forty years hard-time

    If it's the second coming of christ nail it to a cross, poke it with a spear, bury it behind a round rock. If the rock rolls in three day's I'll change my perspective
