Friday, April 5, 2024

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


 Netanyahu did this πŸ‘‡ --



Trump on Gaza fighting: "Get it over with."  Would Muslim Americans make him President by not voting for Biden? --


The troubled mind of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. --



Cognitive dissonance on economy aided by social media bubbles --


Friends and enemies --


Ukraine sees through MAGA Mike Johnson's delays --


Reckoning? --


Fools and their money are soon parted --



The smell of desperation:  $25, same as in town --



New Jersey earthquake --



Piece of cake! (Happy Friday!) --




  1. The economic survey is like the ones about Congress, where people HATE the job the House is doing, but think their rep is A-OK.

  2. In regards has anyone bought/ started the deteroitation of a common vegatble to a meme politics.
    Remeber that the head of lettuce laster longer then the Liz Truss PM term ( Liz -who? refer to canadian PM Joe - who?)
    To late for pumpkin plus to obvious. So What (Watermelon or Durian or.....)
