Wednesday, May 29, 2024

"Birdbrain" Has A "Message"


Über- ambitious lightweight Nikki "Birdbrain" Haley, after capitulating and kissing the Malignant Loser's ample ass, is visiting Israel this week (is she deluding herself into thinking the Malignant Loser will pick her as his VP nominee?).  She couldn't let the visit pass without a birdbrain message (our emphasis):

Days after dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli air strikes against displacement camps in Southern Gaza, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley wrote “Finish them!” on Israeli artillery shells

"Finish them"?  At the very least, writing such a, let's say it again, birdbrain message on a bomb days after the bombing of a tent camp in Rafah that killed two Hamas leaders while also killing 45 civilians, including children, displays a lack of moral clarity.  It's especially appalling now that we know it was an American-made GBU-39 bomb that was used in the Rafah attack.  But she wasn't finished with her faux moralizing:

Haley, who recently sputtered in her bid to defeat former President Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination, toured a kibbutz ravaged by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack against Israel in the company of current Knesset member and former UN Envoy [Likudnik] Danny Danon. 

“If you think this will only be in Israel, if we are arrogant enough, this could absolutely happen in America too and this is the moral of this story,” Haley said at one point during the visit...

Exactly what could happen in America, "Birdbrain"?  What puerile connections exactly are you making?  A large scale Hamas terrorist attack on an American town?  Or American-made weapons reducing an area the size of Philadelphia to rubble?   Perhaps the moral of this story is simply that one should never be where one does not belong.

On further reflection, she might make a good running mate for the Malignant Loser.  Her ambition far outweighs her competence, and she has the superficiality, the bold ignorance, and the sycophancy to make a good match for the Malignant Loser.  

Her voters now need to see her for what she is and always has been, and know that there's only one way to keep her chosen candidate out of the Oval Office -- reelecting President Biden.

(Photos:  via Twitter/X)

1 comment:

Cleora Borealis said...

Hundreds of people have been kidnapped, tortured, and killed! Hundreds of thousands of people have been permanently displaced and are literally starving to death!! IDF is bombing tent cities, which cannot be surgically hit, and of course explode into fire and death!! And heartless Haley is signing bombs as though they are middle-school yearbooks...complete with little hearts!! 🤬 Have fun over the summer committing war crimes, Bibi! See ya next year!! 💋