Monday, May 27, 2024

Protecting Our Health Researchers From Trump

The Malignant Loser's mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans. His approach was to "downplay" the virus as  a flu ("Kung flu" in his racist jibe), to suggest that it would disappear with the return of spring weather, to push quack remedies like hydroxichloriquine and injecting bleach, and to give people the false sense that the virus was under control by trying to limit testing. His downplaying of vaccines also signaled his cult members to refuse them, many paying with their lives. A second term of the Malignant Loser would undoubtedly bring restrictions on public health officials, retribution against those that pushed back against his dangerously ignorant health policies, and funding cuts like the one that eliminated our "early warning" program for pandemics three months before the COVID-19 outbreak. 

The Biden administration has recognized the extreme danger the Malignant Loser poses to our medical research institutions, and is putting obstacles in his path as a contingency. From Politico:

"The Biden administration is setting up new tripwires for Donald Trump at America’s premier health research agency to safeguard against political interference if Trump wins in November.

The White House fears Trump could try to advance an ideological agenda at the National Institutes of Health, like the ones he’s suggested on everything from vaccines to diversity policies.

In an effort to Trump-proof, NIH has designated an official to identify political meddling in the agency’s work and is tasking a soon-to-be-established scientific integrity council with reviewing those cases. The White House knows Trump could still cast those plans aside but is calculating that doing so will set off alarms with the media, Congress and the public. The Biden administration likely hopes GOP lawmakers, even those who think the NIH needs an overhaul, will temper Trump’s moves."

As president, Trump threatened to fire a top agency official, Anthony Fauci, and prompted another to quit after Trump pitched hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment. Scientific organizations that work with NIH now worry Trump’s potential return to the White House, inflamed by GOP anger over the public health bureaucracy’s pandemic advice, might bring more concerted attempts to influence the agency’s decisions." (our emphasis)

Dr. Fauci and China became the Malignant Loser's scapegoats for the COVID-19 debacle when he realized he had utterly mismanaged the crisis. His misinformed, violent and conspiracy-minded cult went along. A determined Malignant Loser, who has threatened to be dictator "on day one," may only be slowed down by these "tripwires," especially since they rely in part on a broken media to enforce. But it's a start.

(image: If he only had taken his own advice....)


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