Sunday, May 19, 2024

"The Summer Of Trump"


SNL's James Austin Johnson does his spot-on impression of the Malignant Loser/ Don Snoreleone speaking at his "cage at the zoo" (i.e., from behind the barriers outside the Manhattan courtroom where he's on trial).  He gets bootlicking support from several of his "vee-pee" candidates like Kristi Noem (Heidi Gardner), Uncle Tim Scott (Devon Walker), and a certain "celebrity" the Malignant Loser is fixated on. 

1 comment:

  1. I still believe Trump could announce he's running on a no vee-pee ticket. Why pick one of those pathetic losers when he is fully capable of being a double loser on his own? Trump/Trump 2024! ✊
    But, if he's gonna pick, he'd better do it soon. Kamala Harris has said she has completed her VP debate prep...and why not, they're all exactly alike so it wasn't much work! 🤣
