Sunday, June 2, 2024

An "Incandescently Stupid" Pardon Plan

Failed MAGA Republican presidential candidate and one of the Malignant Loser's most shameless ass kissers Vivek "Ramasmarmy" Ramaswamy was playing lawyer on the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal, and it didn't go well. He was arguing that since the Malignant Loser's multiple felonies under New York state law led to a violation of Federal election law, the Malignant Loser should be able to pardon himself (if elected). Of course, Presidents have the Constitutional authority to pardon those committing Federal crimes but not state crimes. Apparently apprentice demagogue Ramaslimy, who wants either the VP position or another high position in a Trump cabinet or ambassadorship, is going by what he read in "Constitutional Law for Dummies." Here are a couple of responses from actual lawyers, as reported in Raw Story:

"Sarah Isgur, a former Trump administration official, chimed in immediately:

'Nope. Nope. Nope. Nothing about this argument is legally or constitutionally sound,' the attorney said in response. [snip]

University of Texas law professor Lee Kovarsky said the argument 'is so incandescently stupid, and its incandescent stupidity reflects REALLY poorly on the Wall Street Journal's ed board's decision to publish.'

'I bet you a lot of money you that there is not a *single* crim scholar that endorses this dumbass idea,' the expert added. 'The way it actually works is that you'd get the pardon for the first jurisdiction and then see if you could get the second jurisdiction to vacate the conviction. Clemency power isn't cross-jurisdictional. But hey, just listen to Vivek, he went to Harvard or something.'  (our emphasis)

This hyper-ambitious clown is willing, even eager, to embarrass himself by peddling horse shit on the pages of a national news outlet if it receives the approval of his cult leader. He's kissing the Malignant Loser's ample ass likely for a small if any reward:  the racist core of the MAGA movement won't allow him to share the ticket with their cult leader, no matter how fawning and worshipful he is.

(photo: Practicing his oratorical gestures? AP / Jose Luis Magana)


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