Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden Guilty On All Counts In Federal Gun Case


Joe Biden's anti- Trump, anti- Republican Justice Department -- in its weaponization of justice, and with a rigged jury -- has convicted (checks news story) Hunter Biden:

President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden has been found guilty on all three counts in his federal gun case.

He stands convicted of two counts related to false statements in purchasing the firearm at the center of the case, for saying on a federal gun-purchase form that he was not addicted to drugs at the time of the purchase, and a third count of illegally obtaining a firearm while addicted to drugs.

The maximum sentence for the three counts is 25 years in prison, though as a first-time, non- violent offender, it's unlikely he'll face jail time.

Now, let's get back to lawless MAGAt Republicans whining about the prosecutions of their cult leader...

(Cartoon:  Matt Davies, Newsday)

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