Salon.com's Kelly McClure has an ironic story about the Malignant Loser's use of Tic Tacs to illustrate inflation at some of his rallies, displaying two sizes of the candy breath freshener:
"In May, during a speech in Minnesota, Trump brought his Tic Tacs out for the world to see, using them to illustrate how he feels as though Biden is doing inflation wrong and he's doing it right.
'Biden blamed his economic disaster on companies shrinking the size of their Snickers bars. Can you believe that?' he said, reaching into his pockets. 'But you know, it's a funny thing. I don't know if you can see it out there. Does anybody have good eyes out there? I just got this today. Somebody handed it to me, and not as a joke.'
Here, he produces for the crowd a teeny-tiny container of Tic Tacs.
'Look at the size of that sucker. This is called Biden Tic Tacs. This is inflation.'"
The convicted felon may even use them in the upcoming debate, despite the rules prohibiting props. That would be an opening for a jab from President Biden: people living outside Trumpworld recall that in the infamous Access Hollywood tape the Malignant Loser claimed to use Tic Tacs before he forced himself on women.
(photo: After popping Tic Tacs, Trump eyes potential victim. Screen grab / Access Hollywood)
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