Monday, June 17, 2024

QOTD: Head Case


From conservative pundit David Frum, appearing on CNN this morning, talking about the Malignant Loser's extreme narcissism getting in the way of a proper campaign:

"He will not consent to the election being a referendum on Joe Biden. If he had any sense, if he had any self-control... before Trump is a thug, he is a crook, and before he's a crook, he's a head case. [snip]

So of course he should make the election about the incumbent, that's what every challenger should always do. But when the challenger is a raving, out-of-control egomaniac, he can't do it. And so the election will be about Trump... There's one central poll that has mattered in the last ten years, and that is this: 'Blah, blah, blah, Donald Trump, blah, blah blah.' And the answer is 47 percent yes, 53 percent no." (our emphasis)

Rest assured that the Biden-Harris campaign will also make the election about the Malignant Loser and the existential threat he poses to our democratic republic.  


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