Tuesday, June 4, 2024

QOTD: "Lying Is His Thing"

Vanity Fair's Bess Levin writing about the Malignant Loser's latest transparent lie:

"There are many things about 2016 that lots of people have likely buried in the deepest recesses of their brains, making them nearly impossible to recall. One thing we’re guessing virtually no one has forgotten? Donald Trump’s relentless calls to imprison Hillary Clinton, which were repeated so frequently then (and for years to come!) that they had their own campaign chant: “Lock her up.” Which is why it’s extra absurd that over the weekend, the ex-president claimed he never advocated for putting his then opponent behind bars. 

Speaking to Fox & Friends Weekend, Trump falsely declared, “I didn’t say ‘lock her up,’ but the people said, ‘lock her up, lock her up.’ Then, we won. And I say—and I said pretty openly—I said, ‘all right, come on, just relax, let’s go, we’ve got to make our country great.’” [snip]

Why is Trump trying to rewrite history here? For one thing, he’s a pathological liar, and lying is his thing. But it also seems more than a little likely that he’s worried his many demands for Clinton—who was never even charged with a crime—to be sent to prison are going to come back to haunt him when he’s sentenced on July 11. While it’s possible the ex-president will get no time behind bars, four years in lockup are also on the table." (our emphasis)

Lying is so natural and frequent for the convicted felon / Malignant Loser that we've become almost numb to it over the years. His cult loves it, because they inhabit a cultish ecosystem where facts and truth undermine their movement and are for suckers and libs.


1 comment:

  1. When he blatantly lies, and it IS on tape, does ANYONE ever say SO ?!?!?!????
    Not that it matters, but, I'd like to see someone do that, on tape, in front of people.
