Friday, June 14, 2024

QOTD -- Trump's Long Crime Spree


"... In 2024, I do not feel safer now that Trump, a career mobster, has finally been convicted of a felony. He can still be president, his criminal cohort walks free, and his conviction came too late. Eight years too late; 33 years too late; my whole life too late.

"Trump was first investigated by the Department of Justice in 1973, and they let him go with a slap on the wrist. His criminal activity grew bolder the longer officials let him do it. Trump committed crimes my entire life, cocooned in impunity, until hatching like a butterfly effect in 2016. Transnational autocratic alliances strengthened during his presidency.

"His conviction came a half century into his crime spree: long enough time for him to become a template.

"Trump is part of an American criminal elite that does not run from the law, but runs for office in order to become the law. They exonerate themselves by changing the definition of crime. A crime ceases being a crime when they are the ones committing it..." -- excerpt from Sarah Kendzior, in Substack, writing about "The Aftermath People."  We share her feelings.  Good read.


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