You can't say that Republican candidate for a Minnesota county board is an example of "Minnesota Nice." Hennepin County candidate Marisa Simonetti was arrested and charged with fifth degree assault for flinging a tarantula and other objects at Jackie Vasquez in a rental dispute. From station KARE-11:
"The alleged victim, Twin Cities attorney Jackie Vasquez, tells KARE 11 News Simonetti threw a live tarantula at her, among various other junk, in what she describes as a scary encounter.
Simonetti spent the weekend in custody and was released Monday after a court appearance. The charge involves 'fear of bodily harm' and does not require battery.
KARE 11's Lou Raguse spoke with Simonetti following her court appearance. She says the charges aren't true, telling Raguse that her accuser Vasquez is a squatter -- who rented a room from her through a short-term rental website and then refused to leave when the contract was up.
Property records indicate Simonetti is not the owner of the home, raising questions about whether she was authorized to rent out a portion of it. In addition, short-term rentals are not allowed in Edina." (our emphasis)
It seems that this isn't Simonetti's first rodeo:
"Simonetti, who was the runner-up in this summer's special election in the nonpartisan Hennepin County Board race running as a conservative, has faced a number of allegations in criminal and civil court.
She was charged with credit card fraud for more than $80,000 of charges on her ex-fiancé's credit card. That was dropped when the ex-fiancé, an embattled former Woodbury dentist, settled with Simonetti in civil court.
Simonetti and another ex-boyfriend, the father of Simonetti's child, have current harassment restraining orders against each other.
Court papers show allegations of assault and stalking. And he accuses Simonetti of creating a phony Grindr account using his name and photo and messaging several men who then showed up at his house expecting to hook up. Simonetti would not comment on the situation involving this man." (our emphasis)
She sounds delightful. As a scofflaw, she'll go far in MAGA politics, we're certain. No doubt she's running on a law and order platform, too.
(photo: Simonetti and accomplice. Hennipin Co. Sheriff's Office)
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