Friday, June 21, 2024

Republican SCOTUS Delays Trump Immunity Opinion Again


For another week, the illegitimate Republican Supreme Court has delayed its opinion in Trump v. United States, determining whether and to what extent the convicted felon Malignant Loser has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while in office.  They've been dragging their feet since February 12, 2024.  Of course, the effect of their ongoing delay is to push the Malignant Loser's criminal trial for election interference to beyond the November election, an outcome similarly desired by Malignant Loser- appointed Judge Aileen Cannon in the classified documents case in Florida.  The next scheduled date for opinions is Wednesday, June 26, though more opinions may be issued in July, almost certainly making justice delayed justice denied, at least before voters go to the polls.

(Cartoon:  Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

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