Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Bottomless Corruption Of The Trump Crime Family


Convicted felon Malignant Loser's amoral son- in- law Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner has been a busy deal- maker ever since leaving the White House, where his incompetence was only surpassed by his greed.  It has come as no surprise that this has involved the same access- peddling and self-dealing that has characterized the slumlord's entire "career" thus far. 

His corrupt dealings with the regime of murderous Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed "Bone Saw" bin Salman resulted in a $2 billion windfall for Kushner's Affinity Partners, apparently the going pay- to- play price for an insider in a future Malignant Loser regime.  (Bone Saw once bragged that he had Kushner "in his pocket.") Well, now Kushner's firm is also involved with another unsavory regime, this time in Serbia, a Russian client state:

After weathering criticism over its reliance on a gusher of Saudi cash, Jared Kushner’s investment fund made its first big splash last month when it announced it had signed a $500 million deal with the Serbian government to develop a high end real estate project in downtown Belgrade on the site of a bombed down army building destroyed during the 1999 Kosovo war.

But the fine print of the deal includes a commitment that seems destined to stir up even more international controversy: a pledge by Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, to construct a “memorial dedicated to all the victims of NATO aggression”— an allusion to the U.S.-backed bombing campaign that brought the Serbian government of Slobodan Milosevic to its knees a quarter century ago in response to its relentless campaign of repression and savage massacres of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo

Among those exercised over the Kushner deal is retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who served as NATO Supreme Allied Commander during the war.

While he has no objection to a U.S. firm investing in Serbia, the planned revisionist memorial—officially proclaiming America’s adversary in the war to have been a victim of  “aggression”— “is worse than a reversal” of U.S. policies in the region, said Clark in an interview with SpyTalk. “It’s a betrayal of the United States, its policies and the brave diplomats and airmen who did what they could to stop Serb ethnic cleansing.” 

Just as concerning as the whitewashing of Serbian war crimes, Clark said, is the just announced deal between Kushner’s firm and the Serbian government of Aleksander Vučić, a pro-Russian hardliner who once served as minister of information in Milosevic’s government. The memorial project needs to be viewed in a wider geopolitical context: It serves the Kremlin’s core interests in undermining NATO at a time the alliance is engaged in resisting Russian aggression in Ukraine.  (our emphasis) [snip]

Kushner's not the only member of the extended Trump Crime Family involved in the Serbia deal. If there's money to be made selling off access to the White House to our adversaries, you can find this p.o.s.:

Those questions have intensified in recent weeks in light of the reported role in the Belgrade deal of Richard Grenell, Trump’s former U.S. ambassador to Germany and acting director of national intelligence, who has forged close ties to Serbian officials and made no secret of his hopes of becoming secretary of state in a second Trump administration.

The New York Times recently reported that Grenell is a partner of Kushner’s in the proposed $500 million project, which includes plans to build a luxury hotel, retail space and 1,500 residential units on the bombed out site of the former Serbian Army headquarters pulverized by NATO forces under Clark’s command in 1999. 

He was quoted by the Times as saying he saw the project—an earlier version of which he pushed during a period he also served as Trump’s special envoy to the region—as promoting “healing” between the U.S. and Serbia. (Efforts to reach Grenell for comment for this story were unsuccessful.)...  (our emphasis)

Just the thought of Grenell as a potential Secretary of State should curl your toes almost as much as a second term for the Malignant Loser.  He was and is an utter toady and courter of authoritarians worldwide (the Malignant Loser has called him "my envoy").  If the convicted felon Malignant Loser is the "chaos candidate," Grenell would be his "chaos Secretary of State," ready and willing to undercut America's alliances and interests.

The White House and State Department would be open for business in a second Malignant Loser regime, and deals like those made with the Saudis and Serbs would be the template for wholesale corruption, putting America up for grabs to the highest bidder.

(h/t MockPaperScissors)

(Image:  Kushner and Grenell / Getty)

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