Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Fifth Times A .....Charm?

Ninety-three year old dessicated fossil and right-wing media mogul Rupert "Aargh Matey" Murdock has tied the knot for the fifth time to 67-year old Russian molecular biologist Elena Zhukova. From The Guardian's account:

"Murdoch met Zhukova through a large family gathering hosted by his third ex-wife, Wendi Deng, to whom he was married for 14 years before their divorce in 2013.

Her 42-year-old daughter, Dasha Zhukova, is a Russian-American art collector and philanthropist who was previously married to Roman Abramovich, a Russian oligarch and former owner of the Premier League football club Chelsea." (our emphasis)

Convenient that the owner of the Malignant Loser-boosting propaganda lie factory Fux "News" picked a Russian woman who has a former son-in-law that's a close confidante of Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin. The new Mrs. Murdock no doubt hopes to inherit a tidy sum soon when the old bird casts off his mortal coil. However, if he rejects her, she should note how this gallant gentleman acted with wife number 4:

"Murdoch divorced his fourth wife, 67-year old actress and model Jerry Hall, in 2022. Hall was apparently waiting to meet Murdoch at their Oxfordshire home when she received an email from him which allegedly said, 'Jerry, sadly I’ve decided to call an end to our marriage … We have certainly had some good times, but I have much to do. My New York lawyer will be contacting yours immediately.'” (our emphasis)

Classy, matey! Given the bride's Russian nationality and connections, and the inheritance at stake, we'd advise Murdock to avoid open windows and off-smelling tea. 

(photo: The mortician did a good job on Rupert for the occasion. News Corp / PA)


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