Yesterday's rally in Philadelphia for the criminal Malignant Loser was pathetic in terms of attendance. Conservative Iraq War veteran Pete Henlein notes the Temple University gym was half full:
Here is a video of Trump at his rally tonight in swing state PA at Temple University’s Liacouras Center, capacity 10,200.
— Peter Henlein (@SwissWatchGuy) June 23, 2024
It’s half empty. Zero attendees in the upper bowl.
Odd for a guy that brags about pulling 100k ppl in NJ and 30k in the Bronx.
Sad! Some think the Malignant Loser's campaign is paying attendees to his rallies, leasing buses and giving them goodies as they arrive. Of course, payoffs are in the wheelhouse of the Malignant Loser, as Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal well know.
(photo: A frazzled Don the Con not drawing bigly crowds)
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