Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Trump's Judge Further Delaying Docs Case

Every week there's new evidence that Federal District Judge Aileen Cannon is working for her patron, convicted felon Malignant Loser. She's avoided ruling on basic motions in the classified documents case, putting off a trial date indefinitely while she purports to sift through the multiple delaying motions made by the Malignant Loser's team. The latest move on Cannon's part is accepting a ludicrous defense motion to expand a hearing on the legality of Special Counsel Jack Smith's appointment, something that should be expeditiously ruled on in a normal court. From CNN:

"The planned hearing also adds a new, unusual twist in the federal criminal national security case against the former president: Cannon on Tuesday said that a variety of political partisans and constitutional scholars not otherwise involved with the case can join in the oral arguments on June 21.

It’s an extraordinary elevation of arguments in a criminal case first filed a year ago this week that likely won’t see trial until next year, if at all.

Similar challenges from Trump and other high-level targets of special counsel probes have flopped from coast to coast in recent years: Hunter Biden’s attorney didn’t get anywhere with judges in Los Angeles and Delaware; Paul Manafort’s arguments fell flat when the former Trump campaign chairman challenged special counsel Robert Mueller’s authority; and Andrew Miller, a former associate of Roger Stone, also lost his challenge to Mueller’s authority.

Even with other federal trial-level judges allowing special counsels’ criminal prosecutions, Cannon could rule differently." (our emphasis)

She could very well rule differently, as the Malignant Loser would like. Cannon will hold this bogus hearing on June 21, fully a month after the trial was originally planned to start. Her decision to open oral arguments to every right-wing Trumpist advocate is an outrage and a clear attempt to muddy the waters. The case is an open-and-shut one of theft and mishandling of classified documents by the Malignant Loser.  If she does rule that the Special Counsel's appointment was invalid, expect not only a DOJ appeal, but more attacks on Special Counsel prosecutions of Trumpists from now on (unless and until they get into office, when they'll want to use Special Counsels to go after their enemies). More from the article:

".... it is highly unusual for a federal trial judge to allow a third-party group unaffiliated with a criminal case to argue in court as part of a defendant’s legal challenges to the case itself. That work is essentially reserved for defendants’ teams to bring and argue in courts across the country, opposite Justice Department prosecutors. Allowing third parties to argue in court is even rare in appeals situations.

'The fact these motions are even being entertained with a hearing is itself ridiculous. That third parties are being allowed to opine at the hearing is absurd,' Bradley Moss, a national security law expert based in Washington, DC, told CNN."  (our emphasis)

At this point, with the case being pushed beyond the November election, the Justice Department might as well seek Cannon's removal from the case. Voters will be denied a decision on the Malignant Loser's handling of classified documents, thanks to her thumb on the scale in favor of the Malignant Loser. 


Cleora Borealis said...

I wonder if all those voices of legal "thinkers" will be as eager to speak for Cannon when a Special Prosecutor is named to investigate her crimes of collusion with and pay-offs from a convicted felon! 🤨

LadyJustice said...

She and all the other MAGAs keep doing what they are doing for the same reason all criminals do:No one is stopping them.They aren't worried about being caught, and if they are, they laugh about it. And keep doing it more. The Dems, DOJ, MSM, and the public are rolling over and giving away our democracy. Kruschev was right, America will fall without a shot being fired.