Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


Biden's post-debate message will resonate if repeated often --

Lifelong Republicans turned off by the Malignant Loser's debate evasions and lies --


New York effing Times calls for Biden to step down.....but not the convicted felon and rapist -- 


Dems are different than MAGAts, part infinity -- 

Headed to prison on Monday. Cheers (and be careful in those prison showers) --


Fascist movement leader Trump is at least consistent -- 


History has judged, and the Malignant Loser is dead last among Presidents -- 

A misallocation of resources among our broken Beltway media -- 

SCOTUS' deliberate foot-dragging on Presidential immunity claim gave Trump a win -- 

We call them Russia's useful idiots -- 

It only works if you've had edibles --

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