Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tweets / Xeets of the Day


Malignant Loser's spokescultist discloses his debate prep. He has none --



Clarence Thomas, looking out for his wealthy patrons --

Trump-endorsed Senate candidate in Utah loses primary to Romney favorite. Bwahaha -- 

A reminder of Assange's history with Russia --  

Pill-pushing Rep. Ronny Johnson Jackson needs to sit this one out --

The perverse and cruel behavior of RFK, Jr. toward his ex-wife -- 

Countdown clock for derelict impersonating nutcase Steve Bannon -- 


Warning for incumbent Dems: voting against infrastructure bill a problem -- 

Netanyahu, "a smarter Trump," has been widely unpopular at home for over a year -- 

"DPRK News Service" enters the Dave Grohl - Taylor Swift tiff  -- 



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