Friday, June 7, 2024

Vets Blast Trump As Unfit for Presidency [UPDATED]


The Biden-Harris campaign has a new ad out that clearly calls out the Malignant Loser's unfitness to be Commander-in-Chief, noting his refusal to accept responsibility and his dodging of the draft during the Vietnam War. Watch:

The ad might have also gone into the Malignant Loser's description of fallen soldiers as "losers" and "suckers," testified to by his former chief of staff Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly (ret.). Speaking of whom, see if you can smoke out the military officers that served under him (Kelly, Mattis, Milley, etc.) to cut an ad talking about the Malignant Loser's unfitness from close observation.

UPDATE: The Biden-Harris campaign got on the "losers" issue in an ad today. Good timing.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding. I wonder when the RNC will start putting out "real" vet ads with vets who love and adore the preznident. Starting with Eddie Gallagher.
