The Malignant Loser, who will say anything to get elected and to stay out of prison, has apparently ordered his minions at the Republican Nazional National Committee to soften platform language and to keep a pair of anti-choice zealots from the party's platform committee. According to Politico:
"Two hardline anti-abortion delegates to next week’s GOP platform committee have been stripped of their positions, according to several members of the Republican National Committee, underscoring a broader fear among evangelicals and other social conservatives that the party is poised to moderate its stance on abortion at the direction of former President Donald Trump.
The Trump campaign’s efforts to block the two South Carolina delegates from the platform committee and replace them with loyalists is described in several affidavits as “interference from paid RNC staff … to circumvent the will of the delegation.”
The shakeup, which has not been previously reported, comes as anti-abortion groups petition Trump, his campaign advisers and members of the RNC not to make significant changes to the party’s platform on abortion." (our emphasis)
The Malignant Loser knows that the issue of a woman's right to her reproductive freedom is a new third rail in general elections, and his embrace of taking down Roe v. Wade is a constant theme -- and problem -- of his.
Of course the far-right Bible thumpers are part of a cult of personality, not of faith or principle. The Malignant Loser's the least religious of any modern President, and has reportedly mocked his religious followers behind their backs. He's violated more of the Ten Commandments than he's followed, but for the Christofascists, it's all about a deal with the devil to gain power and get regulations and legislation passed to remove the church / state separation. While party platforms are mostly symbolic, this episode reinforces the fear the Malignant Loser has for the anti-choice issue and the contempt he has for his "flock."
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