Mentally disturbed derelict-impersonator Steve "Loose Cannon" Bannon reported to the Danbury Federal Prison today to begin serving a too-short prison sentence of four months for contempt of Congress when he refused to cooperate in their January 6 coup investigation. Bannon's absurd, last ditch appeal to the right-wing Supreme Court to stay out of prison failed last week. Some details from CNN:
"Steve Bannon, a former Donald Trump White House strategist, is set to report to a federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut, on Monday to begin a four-month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena. [snip]
The MAGA media firebrand was keeping a busy schedule in the days before his prison sentence. He tried, unsuccessfully, to convince Trump to skip the CNN presidential debate last week. He continued to host his far-right podcast where he has vowed to get revenge on his political enemies and imprison the current leadership of the Justice Department.
And he welcomed several mainstream media reporters to join him during his broadcasts, all while peddling his narrative of political martyrdom.
'I’m going to be more powerful in prison than I am now,' Bannon said last week.
His public persona has been one of indifference — unbothered and unafraid of his time at the federal facility.
'I’m not going to be sitting there going, ‘Oh, woe is me,’ Bannon told CNN.
Sources close to Bannon painted a different picture, describing a man vacillating between denial that he would be spared a prison term and apprehension about what life behind bars would entail." (our emphasis)
The first thing we'd suggest to the prison management is that they delouse the creep and shave his beard and head to avoid giving other prisoners his little crawling friends. A soap-on-a-rope would be a thoughtful thing for those awkward communal prison showers. Finally, Federal prison rules forbid conducting a business (pod casting, etc.), access to the internet, sending e-mails with attachments, and restricted phone use to 15 minute intervals. With his big nasty mouth on ice for four months, Bannon may want to take up crochet to pass the time.
(Photo illustration by Elizabeth Brockway / The Daily Beast / Reuters)
Who knows, after he's served his time, he may have an impacted mouth, from all the horse&*^% and vitriol that's backed up. 96 tears.