It was supposed to be the Malignant Loser's unity moment, a calm and normal speech accepting his coronation by his adoring cult. His near assassination was supposed to have "changed" him, made him mellow and wiser. In his long and rambling acceptance speech, the Malignant Loser threw away that script and reverted to form. Some commentary on his 90 minute grievance list. (Emphasis added to quotes).
"Often, he went off script to attack his political enemies, laud the dismissal of one of his indictments and tick through crowd favorites in the longest nomination acceptance speech in modern American history.
He bragged about the economy and lack of new foreign entanglements during his presidency, and he lambasted President Joe Biden’s administration for its handling of border security, energy, foreign policy and more.
Delivering a script that was intended to offer a unifying message, Trump said he would only use Biden’s name once. But he did so, he said, to say the Democratic incumbent was a worse president than the nation’s prior 10 worst, combined."
From Politico.com / Jeff Greenfield:
"In Trump’s case, the attack just days before the convention, and the narrowness of his escape, made it by far the most powerful of any such account.
But more significant, that shooting had no impact at all on the remainder of his meandering and occasionally bizarre speech. Except for one statement that “we must not demonize political disagreements” — a hilarious assertion coming from someone who has urged a military tribunal for one critic and an execution for another, and for whom terms like “vermin” for his enemies are par for the course — the rest of his speech did not reflect a single authentic note of reflection, not a hint that he had given a moment’s thought to a wider, more profound message for the American people."
From Salon.com / Amanda Marcotte:
"Donald Trump is the world's most famous liar. So when he called for 'unity' after his close encounter with an assassin's bullet, the safest assumption should have been that he was lying, exploiting his own attempted murder to bamboozle the press into downplaying his swing voter-alienating violent radicalism. And yet, too many journalists fell for it.
'After assassination attempt, Trump and Biden seek calm, unity,' a Reuters headline read ahead of the start of the Republican National Convention (RNC) read.
It was all spin. The reality, as folks on the ground at Milwaukee's Fiserv Forum can attest, is that the real theme of this week's GOP convention was captured in a popular chant, often directly led by members of the Trump family: 'Fight, fight, fight!' [snip]
The speech was written and loaded into the teleprompters but it was hard to tell. Trump hit all the hateful talking points about immigrants, 'woke' people, and Hannibal Lecter. But it was so boring, it's unlikely to make much of a ripple. Even the crowd that was ready to worship him could barely work up the energy to care after nearly 90 minutes."
After last night's performance by the MAGA king, the gullible and malleable press might want to tweak their narratives about a new and "moderate" Trump. Then again, Biden's old.
Why did the RNC choose Trump?
ReplyDeleteCos he was earmarked for the job.
🤗 Bravo, Ole phat Stu!! Best da dum dum tish 🥁 I've heard all week!! If I give you credit when I pass it along, that ain't stealing, amirite?