Thursday, July 11, 2024

News Media Can't Handle The "Truth (Social)", Cont.


In our continuing coals to Newcastle display of evidence of the Malignant Loser's AUTHORITARIANISM, UTTER UNFITNESS, DERANGEMENT, AND BUFFOONERY (to borrow from his MANNERISMS), here are more recent droppings on his failing Truth Social platform, offered freely to the eternally misdirected media:

More here from earlier.

You're welcome, intrepid newshounds!

BONUS USA Today's Rex Huppke is of a like mind, and turns the table on the media's narrative.


  1. Thank you for the Huppke article. I just get so sickened by all the media flogging of Biden! It would be easier to take if the interviewers would stop giving a platform to Reps and Sens who are "so concerned that Biden can't win" yet never demand they tell us what alternative they are willing to support!! "Oh, that's not for me to decide; that's up to the DNC and the delegates!" Get off the pot, us understand how the hell any of this would work or shut up! And interviewers need to demand an answer! If the answer is anything other than "I give my full support to VP Harris and whoever she chooses as her running mate" these people are just chaos agents who are enjoying time in the spotlight!! 🤬
