Wednesday, July 31, 2024

QOTD: Black Men Defending V.P. Harris

"I'm going to confess. I wasn't too happy about that, but I'm all in now. I'm 100% now for this reason. This representative from Tennessee—sorry, Connie—from Tennessee called her a D-E-I candidate. And then they start calling her colored. Then they start calling her out of her name. And as a Black man, I can't let no white man talk about no sister like that. And I'm taking offense to it. [snip]

How qualified does a Black person have to be -- to have graduated at the top of her class at Howard, went to law school, was attorney general of a state, a United States senator, a vice president of the United States, but she's not qualified? I'm all in". -- Rev. Terry Anderson, Jr. , pastor of Houston's Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church, explaining how his reservations about Vice President Kamala Harris' role as presumptive Dem nominee have changed after the vile attacks on her from MAGAts. His reference to a representative from Tennessee refers to the dumbass white supremacist Rep. Tim "Dim" Burchette (Sedition-TN), who cluelessly referred to Harris as a "D.E.I. hire," despite her being far more qualified than his reality show host cult leader.

African Americans who have sided with the white supremacist Malignant Loser need to think long and hard about their choices. Rev. Anderson clearly has.


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