Sunday, July 7, 2024

QOTD: Hearing The Lord Almighty


Columnist for Brian Karem, writing an interesting column this morning about the quandary Dems and never Trumpers are in following President Biden's interview Friday on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos:

"God got dragged back into the presidential race this week, but not the way you might think. 

After sitting down with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Friday night, President Joe Biden made two things abundantly clear: He still believes he’s the best man to run the country, or as he described it – being the most powerful man in the world. He also is fearful of what Donald Trump would do with a second term in office. 'I convinced myself of two things. I'm the most qualified person to beat him, and I know how to get things done,' Biden said in the interview.

Those two things, combined with an obviously healthy ego, motivate him to continue to run for a second term even though it seems there is a growing number of Democrats who want to remove him from the ticket for fear that he is mentally deteriorating  - thus giving Trump that second term all Democrats fear. 

At least they have solidarity on that issue. The Democrats all want to beat a convicted felon in the general election this Fall, but some just aren’t sure if the incumbent president can do it. That is a sentence I never, in my life, thought I would write. [snip]

Biden on Friday was adamant about staying in the race unless there was divine intervention. 'If the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get outta the race,’ I'd get outta the race. The Lord Almighty's not comin' down,' Biden said.

Maybe God did."

Whomever is at the top of the Dem ticket will receive the votes of everyone who wants democracy preserved and protected from the mentally disturbed, fascistic Malignant Loser and his cult. It's an absolute given that the convicted felon, Putin pal and adjudicated sexual assaulter must be kept out of the White House again. It's persuading the swing voters (such as they are) who remain outside the bases of the Dem party and the MAGA cult to join democracy's defenders and turn back the fascist tide. It won't be easy.

The decisions made by President Biden and Democratic Party leaders before the Dem convention in August in Chicago will determine who will carry the flag into the fight with a determined, reactionary and increasingly violent opponent in November and beyond. Stay tuned, and stay committed to democracy.


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