Sunday, July 14, 2024

QOTD: The Protectors


Washington Post op-ed columnist Colbert I. King (and former security officer at the State Department), on the bravery of the Secret Service team protecting Trump yesterday in Pennsylvania:

"What stays with me — and will never leave for the rest of my life — is what immediately unfolded on the stage when shots were heard, when Trump’s hand went to his right ear.

I wasn’t on that stage, but I could have been in that situation.

Think of the anonymous men and women you saw come rushing to help Trump. [snip]

This I know: The armed, dark-suited men and women who rushed to the stage when Trump went down just experienced one of the worst moments of their lives. They failed, perhaps through no fault of their own, to protect the person they had taken an oath to defend from all harm or danger.

Oh, we sing the praises to 'first responders' — those women and men who sprint to the scenes of shootings, who climb ladders, staunch bleeding, bring frightened children and treed cats to safety.

That’s not what I was trained to do. Neither were those agents who rushed to a fallen Trump today.

Their job was not to defeat danger but to put themselves between the source of the danger and Donald Trump."  (our emphasis)

They're not members of the "deep state," they're not members of a conspiracy, they're dedicated public servants who have chosen a dangerous profession to protect political figures and their families. Remember that. 


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